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Red Bull Skullpture

My first big collaboration with Racing Gold, and with the awesome work from C6Carbon too, the Red Bull Skullpture.

My concept was to create a piece to represent Red Bull F1 as if they were the same entity in medieval times. So hinting at battle and armour, relating F1 drivers to modern day jousting knights and Red Bull perhaps having synergies with the iconic black knight.

The idea was to present it as an archaeological find. The only parts purposely not weathered are the near indestructible metals from the F1 cars exhaust system which make up the neck vertebrae, and the nose ring which is a hub lockring from an RB3. I was also focused to create added interest in flipping the materials from the norm; carbon fibre skull, bone Hans device and Pirelli rubbered horns and sitting on an actually medieval wooden block from Selby Abby. 3 championship tally marks are engraved in the top…. to be updated.

After the skullpture’s first public showing at Autosport 2013 he went straight to Red Bull HQ, displayed in meeting rooms for a few months. At time of writing mid May 2013… its now on the way to all things Red Bull and awesome to Hangar7 in Salzburg. More pics to follow!

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